Sunday, June 29, 2014

Personal Progress

 I'm so proud of my beautiful Maren Taylor today. At church she was awarded a Personal Progress Award and Honor Bee. This is the second time she has earned them. She is my incredible "everything girl"! There's not much she can't do when she puts her mind to it. She continues to impress me through the years. I'm a lucky mom.

She looked so pretty this morning.


 There they are! 

Also, I'm so proud of my boy scouts. These are Adam's awards from this week's Court of Honor. We are finally getting into the swing of things with these merit badges. Actually it was mostly scout camp. Thank heavens for scout camp. He is three badges away from being a Life Scout. They are not easy ones though, 90 days each. Guess we'd better get started...

This is the one that makes me extra happy. The bishop chose Adam for this award. He mentioned at the Court of Honor how the recipient of this award does the things he says he will do. Adam does that so well. He has a strong sense of duty. He has the ability to see what is right and wrong, and it isn't hard for him to choose what is good and right. Such a great boy. (He did not want his picture taken.)

Trevor also had a great week at Scout Camp. He was most proud of his Mile Swim badge. He liked impressing his friends by earning that.

The Hydrangeas are gorgeous right now.

By the way, Geoff has a new job!! More on that later though...
What a wonderful week! Feeling blessed.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Garden Update

How I am enjoying this garden! I didn't know how much fun this would be.
What an enjoyable summer project! Thanks for helping me get it going, Mom and Dad.

 Adam checks out the garden every day, even before church.
It seems to be loving this heat and humidity. 

Finally some fruit on the trees!




Blackberry bush






The little beans are so cute!


A pepper is almost ready.

I hope we get tons of cucumbers.
Basil on the deck