Five kids in four schools this year. Can't wait for all that paperwork to come rolling in...
Maren is a senior this year. It's strange how fast that happened. She is very independent and gets herself where she needs to be when she needs to be there with the stuff she's supposed to have.
Can't say the same for Adam unfortunately. On the first day of school he forgot his lunch and left his trombone and baritone in Maren's car. This is not unusual for Adam. By the time he's a senior, he'll probably have it all together. (man, I hope)

Nice that he takes a few seconds for his little brother...

Alec didn't want any help getting ready for school. Gym shorts are what he wants to where as often as he can, including the first day of school. Little Calli watched as her dearly beloveds left one by one.
Annalisa decided only two weeks ago that she wanted to go to school and be a kindergartner. I have been a little worried about her. She is so used to being home with me all day, even for preschool. And now Kindergarten is full day. But one day she just changed her mind and started counting down the days until school started. (thank goodness!)
And such a sweet little kindergartner she is! She skipped and ran to the bus stop.
Goodbye, Alec!
There goes my baby...
I did cry a little right here. I can't believe they are all getting so grown up.
I said a prayer that the world would be kind to my little girl- and let her go.
Coming around the corner, I saw my nice empty house and cheered up quite a bit. I might have done a little skipping myself. :)
I went in and started to clean up our summer's mess.
For 7 hours- uninterrupted.
I love school.