Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Other Happenings

Adam finally gets tomatoes. Mostly green ones. 

Alec and Trevor on P.J. Day #2
As I've written, Alec has amazing self-confidence. Here's an example. One morning I informed Alec to get ready for Pajama Day. Since he sleeps in only his underwear, this still required getting dressed for school. He said, "Mom, are you sure it's today?" Yep, I got the email. So after school, he told me that it wasn't Pajama Day, and he was the only kid in pajamas. (mismatched pajamas even) I felt terrible. How could I mess this up? I started to apologize to Alec for my big mistake, and he says, "Mom, it's alright. Cuz now I get 2 Pajama Days!" Not embarrassed, only lucky. Love it.

Annalisa at the Lafayette Homecoming Parade. At first she tried eating the candy as fast as she got it, but she eventually stopped doing that. There was just too much candy. The kids love this parade. (Now all that candy in up high in my closet for reward treats. That's not too nice of me, is it?)

Trevor was part of the parade. He handed out Smarties and made sure he gave Alec two.

Alec was doing jumping jacks and other antics to get the attention of candy throwers. It worked well for him. He got twice as much as the other kids. I waited for Maren's marching band that never passed by us. Apparently they entered the parade at a more convenient place further down the route. I missed it. Bummer.


Here are a few more of Maren. The light was fading so the pictures aren't too good, but she is still so cute. I love this girl. She is growing up so fast. Nearly 16 years old...

St. Louis in the fall

On a nature walk with Maren

Maren at Babler Park

This morning I brought my camera along on our walk to school. It was another gorgeous fall morning in Wildwood. I love this time of year! I walk around in awe of the world around me. The fall is so pretty here, and the season goes on for months. The kids probably get tired of hearing me say, "Hey, look at that!" But I've noticed that they are also very impressed with the fall foliage. These pictures may make Mom and Dad a little homesick, but I still thought they would like to see their old neighborhood at this lovely time of year.

Trevor walking the dog
Calli also loves our morning walks to school. Alec, however, doesn't appreciate them, and prefers to hop on the bus like he did this morning. Maybe he would rather be with his friends. It is a nice opportunity for me to talk to Trevor though, who is sometimes a little quiet and reserved.

Our view from the front yard

Our view from the dining room window

Days like this make me so grateful that we came here. We are hoping to stay. St. Louis feels like home.