Monday, December 3, 2012

Barney Family Pictures by April

April and Tawny convinced me to get the family together for a picture. We haven't done this for quite a while. Probably because Linda lives in California and we are here. Also, I really, really don't like taking family pictures. It has been an excruciating experience for many years. The husband and kids just don't like it, and the Barney stubbornness kicks in until I am wanting to pull my hair out. But Tawny wanted family pictures for the calendar, not just collages. I dreaded it, and considered backing out even the night before. I don't know why this was such a big deal for me. It's basically snapping a few shots before we go to church. I didn't buy any special clothes. I didn't get them haircuts, which all the boys needed. Anyway, April took the pictures at her house while her boys performed various poses to make us smile. Lincoln was dancing around like a maniac, and I remember that Preston pooping a pine cone got especially good smiles. You know, that hilarious kid stuff. ;) 
I thought these turned out cute. I keep my expectation very low, so when I saw the pictures I was very pleased. We may even try this again sometime. Thanks for the push, Tawny and April! 

We had some squinting since it was already getting sunny. For some reason I thought a December morning in St. Louis would be overcast. Then again, I never know what to expect here!

Balancing on the backyard stumps

We all thought this was so pretty.

Too sunny for Trevor. Who would have expected 65 degrees on a December morning?

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