Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Anna Gets a New Look

 So, last Saturday I went to pick up the kids from the Kesners. Tawny and Brian took care of the younger four so that Maren could have a slumber party at our house. I had a Groupon for a family picture at Target to use that day, and I was running a little late. I planned to get the kiddos showered and dressed in the hour before our appointment. After chatting a few minutes and loading kids in the car, we realized we were missing Annalisa. We called throughout the house and no one answered. I heard Tawny searching upstairs, then I heard her say, "Oh no." She said it quietly and seriously, and I knew there was trouble upstairs with the girls. I braced myself for the bad news and went upstairs.

There stood Aubree and Annalisa- Aubree holding scissors and Anna with a pile of blonde hair at her feet. I think I would've been less surprised if she had been bleeding or throwing up. I took a closer look at her uneven locks and was at loss of what to do next. I can't remember what I said or did after that, but I vaguely realized I was freaking out. Tawny came to my rescue then. She called her friend who cuts hair and stopped her from leaving her house. Her kids were already loaded in the car ready to go to the Goodwill. She kindly changed her plans, and Tawny rushed Anna over to her house for the emergency haircut.

I took the others home to get ready for the picture, Trevor and Maren were also freaking out about Anna's hair, and Adam was saying over and over that it will grow back- the voice of reason for the rest of us. Then we returned for Annalisa. She was looking much better. I needed some time to get used to her new look, but now I quite like it. I will miss fixing her long hair, but on the bright side, it stays cleaner and tangle-free mostly. Getting her ready is very fast now. It curls up a little more than before.

Anyway, about the picture- It was horrible, but it wasn't Aubree's and Anna's fault. I would put the blame on Alec and the photographer this time. She took a handful of shots and expected to be rewarded with nice pictures. She had the ratio all wrong. We need about 50-60 shots taken for each successful picture. Alec made his usual crazy faces, Trevor and Adam blinked at all the wrong times,  fake smiles abounded, and Geoff was grimacing as he knelt on his bad knees.There wasn't a single picture that I would even settle for. They were that bad. I had already set the family free to shop at Target. The studio was closing- we were the last ones. I begged her to try just a few more, this time of just the kids. I thought it would improve the odds.

 I frantically ran around the store trying to collect everyone. Adam and Maren had even left the store, but Maren had her cell phone and we called her back. I grabbed a bag of gummy bears and waved it around behind the camera while she took five more pictures. I soon as I saw them all looking up at the camera and heard the click, and I said "that's it!"  This time we got one, just one, decent (actually quite mediocre) picture. It was enough for me. I couldn't get out of there soon enough.

I sent to the family out to the car so I could quickly take care of the details of choosing the obvious portrait choice with the salesperson. It was not to be that simple. I sat there grimacing while she arranged our unbelievably bad pictures into various compositions and collages. I told her repeatedly that I just wanted the one big one that came with the Groupon, but to no avail. The family had to wait another 20 minutes in the car while she and I suffered through looking at our terrible family pictures in 100 different ways. She was just doing her job. Finally I convinced her that I really did just want the one picture. I was finally free.
Now I know why I never do this. Seriously, we have never done this. I've always relied on Linda. (and more recently April)

And I may never go to another studio- unless it's Linda's studio.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bike riding and ice smashing

Mom is in the hospital with pneumonia in Mongolia right now. I am hoping these pictures of her grandchildren make her smile. Get well, Mom!

Today we enjoyed a surprisingly beautiful day in St. Louis. Sunny, mid-sixties- it was a wonderful break from the cold. I don't have time to get bored of any particular weather here. We took the kiddos to the park to ride their bikes and enjoy the weather. We must have been there over three hours. They were loving it.

We really need to put this kid to work. That face could make some real money. He can't take a bad picture.

Lincoln and the girls

Alec started the day with training wheels and ended the day without them. Very exciting! It finally clicked for him. He was nervous to try again today, but happy in the end, even after a few spills.

The kids discovered that the pond at Twin Oaks Park was covered with a layer of ice. This led to nearly an hour of happily trying to break through it. They grabbed loose chunks of ice and smashed them down on the pond, shattering the fragments. They found rocks, sticks, and pieces of logs to throw down. We were able to stop a tennis ball and a training wheel just before they went hurtling in. Very few things broke through the ice. There was cheering all around when something did finally break through. 
This led to two unfortunate events. Louisa was the first to tumble in. She was determined to get her own fragment of ice to throw down. She stretched a little too far. No worries folks. The water is shallow on the edges. It is icy cold though. Poor little thing. She crawled out with some help and was rushed home by her mom for warmth and comfort. Then they came back. The other kids did not learn from Louisa's mistake, even though we kept reminding them. (As we continued to let them have their dangerous fun while taking pictures... I have in-laws that are probably shuddering to read this. They are most likely not surprised though) Alec was the next to go in. He was soaked to his waist, but didn't cry or even want to leave. He eventually dried out, and they played on. Tyler and I watched more carefully however. (Me from the other side of the pond- the pictures were better from there)

Lincoln lovingly cradling a ...rock.
He is about to hurl this beloved rock into the pond.

Alec after his little swim

Trevor's friend Buddy came along too in case you're wondering which grandchild is wearing the yellow helmet.


A nice big chunk caught by Trevor

Admiring glances

Come on, you have to admit this would be fun.

Preston found several excellent pieces/ Trevor smashing some more


And SMASH! Look at the focus this boy has. Smashing ice is serious business.

There's Preston looking so dang cute- maybe trying to show Lincoln he can compete. :)
Why don't my boys looks at cameras like that? I'm starting to have more Farmer boys on the blog then Barney boys.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Maren's Sweet Sixteen

Breakfast in bed for our 16-year-old (at 5:00 in the morning!)

Even Annalisa got up for the birthday celebration.

Maren's birthday cake

I'll write more about Maren's special day later.

Anna in the tubby

Anna and "guy with brown mustache"

These two got to be good buddies again. Annalisa loves her Uncle Trace. 
They were tuckered out from their 2 weeks of rest and relaxation. When Trace went back to school she made a picture and asked me to give it to "the guy with the brown mustache." So Trace's crazy facial hair must have made an impression on this little girl. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A visit from Melendra and Bryn

Last Friday and Saturday we were so happy to get a visit from my good friend Melendra and her daughter Bryn. Bryn and Anna were born one day apart, and they hit it off immediately. (you Farmer relatives probably remember the amazing story of Bryn's car birth, which we forced Melendra to repeat in detail. April was a little horrified.) Bryn and Anna said hello, then disappeared downstairs to play for about an hour. I love how quickly little children make friends. If Melendra and I had been best buddies as 4-year-olds instead of 11-year-olds, I imagine we would have looked a lot like these two. It was very fun to watch them play and for us to catch up on the details of each other's lives. 
Melendra and Joe and the kids are preparing for a grand adventure in Europe starting next month. I am so excited for them and a little bit jealous. How would it be to just pick up and move to Luxembourg for 6 months? I found out that it isn't nearly that easy, but it will be a wonderful and memorable experience for them I'm sure. How I would love to join them for a week! Maybe if I save all my miles? We'll see.
I invited the rest of the St. Louis family over (with four of the seven Farmer siblings since we still have Trace and Tawny is back from Idaho) for a potluck dinner and to join in the visit with Melendra. It was some wild and crazy fun. Our little girl cousins came up the stairs without all their shirts. We were just glad they still had their pants on. They tend to shed their clothes at the slightest whim of any one of them. The little girls took to Melendra right away. The shirtless cousins were all over her, running around her, then jumping into her arms. They loved it.

Lyn looks the same as she did in high school, lucky lady...

London bridges

Certain little girls were caught over and over.

Love. (or was it torture)

Three little cuties on a chair

The Speedy Apple-Eaters
They raced to the kitchen, took a bite, then raced to the living room to take another bite. Repeated many times. They were careful not to let Mitchell catch up to them and join their elite club.

Poor lonely Mitchell, getting to the door a little late once again

Louisa proudly showing off her Mitchell-inflicted owie 
One must be aware of Mitchell's little hands at all times. 

Outing with Geoff

Just before the end of the Christmas break, Geoff gave me and April a break from the kiddos and took them to Autumn Hill where he works. His school for disabled children has many fun and interesting toys to play on, and the kids always have a blast there. They have even chosen to go there over the Magic House. They played and played and then went to eat at Taco Bell. Geoff even took the camera to snap a few pictures. At home I was enjoying doing the laundry in solitude while watching Downton Abbey. I had piles and piles of clothes to wash and was mostly finished when they came home. It was a very relaxing afternoon. Thanks to Geoff!

Lincoln on the Flying Thing


Hula-hooping on a tricycle like it's no big deal

The favorite activity I think

More swinging fun

Preston and Alec doing the Xbox 360
I love Alec's expression.

Geoff assured me that she was loving this. 

We had to get a little more sledding in before the snow melted. 
It's mostly gone now, but it was fun while it lasted.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve

Trace deserted his spot on the couch on New Year's Eve in order to make himself a sandwich. We all stopped to watch this unprecedented event. I quickly grabbed my camera in order to prove that this really happened. :)

Trace and the girls

Tyler and April playing pool
I believe April was the winner. 
(If you look closer you'll see that Trace has reclaimed his spot on the couch.)