Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back to the Pool

We haven't been to the pool much this summer. It's been so busy! But we have missed it. So we all met at Mom and Dad's pool while the Farmers were in town for a few days. (after their big vacation) April and Tyler brought piles of beautiful food. Strawberries, blueberries, cucumbers, crackers, cheese, turkey, croissants, hummus, chocolate chip cookies and more. The kids snacked and swam and snacked some more. It was a great day which we ended with that fun Lego Competition.

We love the Farmer family and will miss them while they are in Japan. These events just won't be the same without them...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Family Night Lego Competition

The Judges

The Winners
Mariah won Most Creative

Winner of Most Fragile Award
(trying to pick up the pieces that just fell to the floor)

Most Useful, Best Animal Award

The Sturdiest

The Scariest

The little girls collaborated and won The Cutest Award together.
Geoff awarded the prizes, a choice of 5 candy bars.

I can't remember what award Lincoln got. 
What was it, guys?

There's that cute one.

Lovely Maren

Linda and Maren had some fun taking pictures together in Oregon.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Secret Beach

There is a secret beach on the coast of Oregon. I will not tell you where it is. The secret must be preserved. Even I have trouble finding it, and it's my favorite beach. I drove right on past last week and had to double back.
Going to Secret Beach-
First, you must be aware of the tide. There is no secret beach at high tide. If you manage to find the little place where your car can be parked, you hike down a very steep trail, trying not to slip and tumble the rest of the way. It is a workout on the way back! The trail will lead you to a big rock which must be climbed down. Sometimes the best method is just to sit and slowly scoot on your behind. (It is a little scary with a baby on your lap, but can be done.) Or if you are a mountain goat like Conner Kincaid than you just run full speed ahead. The effort is worth it! A pristine, private beach with waterfall, creeks, boulders, trees growing on islands, a little fog, pelicans if you're lucky, starfish, etc. Yours are the only footprints in the sand. If you are able to somehow get your kayak down The Rock and if the ocean isn't too rough, then you can tour the natural bridges that have formed in the small islands. (Geoff did that once-loved it.) Here are a few more pictures of one of my favorite places in the world. We returned later with a little better hair and make-up for Maren pictures. (more gorgeous Maren pictures will be on the way!)

Linda also took a few of me. She edited my garments out of my "Marilyn Monroe picture." Haha.

Water must always be diverted. We returned with our shovels. This is a serious job.

Sigh! I miss Oregon already.

The last part of the rock you climb down. It is somehow it steeper than it looks in this picture. So I am scooting on my butt.

The sound of the surf and the waterfall together is so cool.

Water Diversion Project
I don't usually get involved. Knowing that everything will be under water within the day kind of ruins it for me. I like to watch the efforts though.

These two were such great buddies on our vacation. Alec is a good brother. He uses a special higher-pitched voice with Annalisa. I love it, but it drives the siblings crazy. They just don't get Alec like I do. I think he is amazing.

Like I said, serious business. :)

A few of the natural bridges in the fog