Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Awesomeness of Bubble Blowing

As long as I have known Linda she has been a little bit obsessed with bubble blowing. I've watched as she tries recipe after recipe for the perfect gigantic bubbles. Bubbles that I've found very impressive and huge were just not good enough for Linda, the Bubble Master. I've been sent to the store for various type of dish soap, and I am amazed at her determination to get just right. A little glycerin, a little blue Dawn, no wait, was it Ivory? A bucket is not big enough for her concoctions. Only a tub (yes, the big ones you put your Christmas decorations in) will do for the bubble blowing extravaganza that she has in mind. And we use it all. For this reunion she went all out. Grandpa went online and ordered all the various wands that could be found. (I was assigned as official bubble wand researcher- I think I did well)  We blew bubbles every other day, and the kids had a blast. Adults too for that matter! Who knew it could be so fun? She mixed and mixed and mixed and then combined those mixtures, and VOILA! The perfect bubbles were a reality! We saw bubbles the size of our children floating up over the house into the horizon. (A good bubble must have longevity) The children were able to blow enormous bubbles within their enormous bubbles, and we all cheered as they floated away, popping at different times. If you are careful, a bubble can be placed over your head. Bubbles can be caught and re-blown over and over. 
They were beautiful!
Thanks Linda for the great bubble fun! I will always think of you when I see a big bubble!

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