Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Girl and her Dog

Much to Calli's dismay, Annalisa has lately taken an new intense interest in her. She fawns over Calli, hugs her tightly, walks/drags her around the house, and basically gives her all her attention for hours every day. Calli, who has never seemed to have a sense of self-preservation, has started to hide under beds. This is when Annalisa fetches the leash. She growls regularly, but Anna does not care or take her seriously. Poor little dog. This is her job though. It won't last forever. Alec used to do some of these things but is now gentle and loving, one of Calli's most favorites. (She chooses his bed to sleep in) 
Calli will just have to endure this.

 Cuties on the trampoline


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to school

The only back-to-school picture I got- Sad.

I am ready for my next challenge. Preschool!

I start preschool on September 3 and I'm very excited! 8 little kids, split into 2 classes.

This green thrift store couch was a fun addition to the preschool room. Now I just need some cuter pillows. (You know, so I can pick them up myself one thousand times...)

Thinking about putting beanbags in the corner instead of the old couch...

The Supply Closet
With Tally's, April's, and my stuff, I am well-stocked!

Goodbye, Summer!

The last of the summer vacation photos- Swimming at the waterslide park

 The weather was pretty cool, and rain was threatening all day, but it never came.

Silly Maren 

Angelina is rarely without her mom. She is very attached. 
But I found out that she will gladly snuggle with the rest of us as well. She just really enjoys and needs physical closeness. Maren and I took turns snuggling her while Tally took the other kids out to the parking lot for lunch. What a little doll.


I have to catch Grant off-guard to get a real smile. 

Mitchell got caught in the deluge.

Mommy quickly came to his rescue!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Marching Maren

The parents and families of the Lafayette Marching Band were invited to come and see the 
show that the kids had been working on all month. Geoff, Tara, Sophia, and Mariah came along to support Maren. (The rest of the kiddos spent the evening catching fish with Uncle Brian and Aunt Tawny.)

The band director told everyone how thrilled he was with their progress, the perfect weather, the great kids, and so on. It is one of the best seasons the band has ever had so far. And Maren is in marching band heaven. She loves it. She loves her friends. She loves music. She loves getting me to feel her new and improved biceps. The show was very impressive! I know next to nothing about marching band, so the explanations and demonstrations on Family Night were very interesting for me. They explained the proper techniques and had a "drill down" in front of us. Kids are eliminated one by one as they make mistakes until only one kid is left. Maren got pretty far. She says that part is a little stressful.

We got to see what Maren has been working so hard on for all these weeks. I am very grateful for this program that Maren gets to be a part of and for the time and effort and care her directors so willingly give to the kids.


Mr. Balog, a dedicated teacher and director


Maren checking position. 
Heels must touch the lines, but while marching they aren't allowed to look down. 
Seems pretty hard to me!

A fight scene in the middle of the show. 
It's one of the best parts.

Each band member got to march with a family member. We sent in Sophia. 
She enjoyed it, and said it gave her chills to be in the middle of the band. 
She is considering doing marching band next year at her school.

Even when walking to the side, faces and instruments must face forward.