Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mongolia Night

On Sunday for family night we taught the children about Mongolia. For dinner we experimented with a new traditional dish, buuz. It was lots of work, (2 hours!) but it was very very delicious! The kids grabbed every last one within about a minute and anxiously awaited the second big batch. Tawny also made tsuivan. We love Mongolian food in this family, only without the mutton. Then we gave the children a short slide show of our pictures, and Tawny presented some of her Mongolian souvenirs from her mission. We dressed them up in Mongolian traditional clothing and took a few pictures. We even Skyped with Mongolian folk, well, Nonny and Grandad that is. 
The cousins even threw in a Harry Potter play. They are so creative. 
Adorable. It was a crazy, busy, and fun night.

American smiles.

Serious Mongolian faces.

Playing with the ankle bones.

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