Saturday, December 7, 2013

Thanksgiving with the Burdge girls

For a little while I was worried that Thanksgiving would be a lonely affair. 
Everyone had left for various parts of the world- Mongolia, Japan, North Carolina. 

But then Tally called and asked if we could keep her girls for a few days while they picked out a house in Pennsylvania. Thanksgiving became a festive time after all with the addition of Elena, Julianna, and Angelina. We enjoyed the week very much spending time with them. 

These girls want to try everything. 
They are interested in everything. 
They have no shortage of energy. 
They are also happy just to be playing with their cousins and staying at home. They are busy, cheerful, and fun little nieces. They usually stay at Tawny's house when the Burdges come to St. Louis, so I haven't had as much time to spend with them. It was great to get to know them better. And they are coming for Christmas too!

Making pipe cleaner animals

Angelina and Annalisa loved playing "Twins."
 If they did anything alike, like each holding a stuffed animal or both wearing footy pajamas, they chanted "twins!" until the rest of us noticed and commented about it.

The plasma car got a good workout.


 The Burdge girls love to cook and bake, especially Elena. The first day we made pecan pies together and they turned out so yummy. Later I asked who wanted to peel potatoes and they jumped up, left a movie, and came running. "Me, me!!" This is not what I am used to. They also helped make the thanksgiving rolls. Angelina mostly played with dough. ;)

This is more of what I expect.
My kids can be helpful too, to be fair. They just don't love to cook.
I did get Maren to make the green bean casserole though.

 With extra dough they made pizza, scones, cinnamon rolls, and even a pineapple doughnut.

Dinner is served! 
A puzzle was going on in the formal dining room, so we had our feast at the picnic table.

This meal was pretty casual. I kept my expectations for myself low since I was to be the only mom around. But things were pretty good, I have to admit. I pulled off Thanksgiving! 
I should give Geoff some credit for doing the ham, and Brian for making a veggie tray.
(super hard tasks) 

I thought we would just serve ham this year. I always get grief from Geoff about dry turkey. And how do I cook a ham and a turkey and rolls and green beans with just one oven? So I skipped the turkey. 
Then at dinner time I realize the everyone else liked and was expecting turkey. So, being extra sneaky, I put some chopped Costco rotisserie chicken in the microwave and a minute later we had "turkey." 
It wasn't until two days later that they learned the truth and seemed amused but also slightly betrayed that I had tricked them. They wanted me to cook a turkey that night for dinner. It didn't happen. 
Next year we will have plenty of turkey though. I promise.
Geoff will just have to deal with it.

Decorating a gingerbread house,- a family tradition for us the last 12 years

It started fine. Each kid had a specific section of the house they could decorate. The timer was going- three minutes each. Then the tears and chaos started.

Angelina tears were mostly because of just being tired. She cried and cried.
She came around a little later to enjoy the activity.

Alec's three minutes were almost over (he had the first turn) when I could stand it no longer. 
I banished all children away from the gingerbread house and from myself. 
This is not meant to be a group activity I have finally realized. Maybe this tradition will go by the wayside. I am not buying or baking five gingerbread houses. 

After we had all calmed down a bit, I invited one child at a time to come upstairs to get 5 minutes to decorate the house. Ahh! Much better. Holiday spirit restored!

Angelina did come up to watch her sister, but she was feeling much happier.

For the next two days this is what I heard. 
"Can we eat it? Can we eat it yet? Can we eat it now? Alec ate a piece off the house! That's not fair! Can I just have one piece? How about now?" :)
Then they ate it.
Yes. The house is gone.

Cute as a button

 The Pro Bass Shop was decorated to the hilt for Christmas. 

Annalisa gave Santa a very wide berth. She could not even be dragged anywhere near him. 
I wonder why she is so terrified of Santa Claus.

Maren spreading Christmas cheer to her buddies
Maren likes her phone, but I wouldn't say she is obsessed with it like a lot of teenagers I've known. I do like being able to call and text her. She lets me know when she reaches her destinations.

Mom, was it stressful to have so many teenage drivers? I don't remember you being overly concerned. I should try to relax a little probably. 

They have a huge fish tank at that store.

We picked out a Christmas tree at Costco and decorated it together.
This is the nicest tree we have ever bought for under $30. So pretty!
The Burdge girls were super excited to participate in Christmas decorating. It was nice to have help unwrapping and setting up the many nativities.

We went to historic St. Charles for a Christmas celebration. The kids collected cards from the fun characters (Sugar Plum Fairy, Father Christmas, Carolers, Tiny Tim, etc.) I told them if they each collected 10 cards they would get $2 to spend on a treat. They loved this challenge and happily searched Main Street for anyone in a costume. The characters had them say or do things before they earned their card. It was a great time.

                        Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

Well, that was our Thanksgiving week! We hope you enjoyed yours!

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