Wednesday, September 24, 2014


We had a happy surprise last week. The Farmers dropped by. From Japan. Geoff is always amazed by my crazy and unexpected family. This is just one more example of this.We had a great time seeing them, and it went by too fast. I got to get to my nephews and niece a little better. The kids were in cousin heaven.
About Louisa-
Little Louisa is not the girl I remember. I worked for months trying to get into her good graces when she was a toddler, but often my efforts were met sullen scowls. By the time they moved to Japan last year I had finally won her over. She loved Aunt Tassa. (I think) It was a bummer to think that I would someday have to start from scratch getting to know her. But my goodness- things have changed! Louisa came right up to me and gave one her best goofy faces and some happy chatter. And it only got better from there. I was amazed. She came back from Japan a happy and outgoing and silly little preschooler. I loved it. I had to capture some of her craziness with my camera. Each face she made was different from the last and so funny. She is delightful. I got a few shots of her brothers too, but they weren't nearly as entertaining. I love them anyway.

The owie next to her eye is from racing directly into a grand piano. Apparently she races around now.

 Just when I was wondering if she was capable of a normal smile, she gave me a few.


Preston is growing up too. Liking the new teeth, buddy!

But back to the star...

Playinig outside Lincoln noticed his old flame, the little redhead that lives next door. We spent the next few minutes trying to convince him to go ask her to play. Preston- "Come on! You guys wanted to marry each other, remember?" Now Lincoln was surprising me. I didn't remember a shy Lincoln. I ended up helping him break the ice, and she came over for a few hours to play.
(her mom told me later that she still wants to marry Lincoln)

Then Louisa and our cute neighbor friend made a birthday cake for Grandad.

Lincoln lit the candles. He seemed to know what he was doing.

My dad came over and the Farmer children sang Happy Birthday to him. He sang Happy Birthday to himself. Grandad is pretty silly.
Didn't quite have the 74 candles...

Lincoln's piece

Back to the Louisa Show.
Oh my goodness. This girl.

Love her and miss her already.

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