Sunday, August 26, 2012

Adam's garden

 Adam with his tomato plants
He tried so hard, sometimes watering twice a day because of the heat. He was always looking at the plants and waiting for the plants to bear fruit. The plants grew and grew and never gave us anything. Just this week, at the end of the summer, we've started getting little green tomatoes everywhere. We'll have to wait and see if they have time left to grow. I hope so. Adam deserves some tomatoes! (even though he really doesn't like them) 
He has picked a few bell peppers and a few cucumbers.

We went to the Wildwood Founders' Day parade to see Maren march with the band. She loved being in the the parade, and she loved performing at the football game. Life is good for Miss Maren.

One of the floats was throwing water instead of candy. Alec ran alongside yelling "get me!!" They splashed him over and over and everyone was laughing.

At the parade

 Alec was so much fun at the parade. He waved at everyone and enjoyed everything. 
After the parade we walked over to the carnival for some free bounce house action. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Poor finger

 We took this picture about a week after Annalisa sliced her finger in a swing. We heard some shrieking sounds outside, and I got that sinking feeling that something bad had just happened and that sound was probably coming from one of my kids. It's just the way things have gone lately. Cousin Elena walked Anna into the house with blood dripping all over all their hands. Elena was so brave to help her. Tara checked things out and knew that it was very deep, and we needed to get to the hospital. Anna calmed down in the car and fell asleep. When I carried her into the emergency she looked passed out and bloody and didn't want to wake up for the nurse. They took us right in. She worried the perhaps there was a concussion. But her head was fine. She needed and x-ray and a few stitches at the emergency room. Tara was with us and helped me stay calm about it. We feel very relieved that her finger is going to be OK. She has actually enjoyed having a hurt finger, except for when we have to change the bandages. She walks around with her little pinkey in the air showing everyone she sees, especially at church and grocery stores. If a person happens to make a comment about her finger, she tells them how "I got blood on my finger! The doctor made it better." She relishes the attention.
 Her nail will probably come off, but should grow back fine.
 Alec at a Rams Game. (Rams v. Chiefs) We scored free tickets at the Magic House. We all got free Rams hats when we got there. It was very fun. But the novelty wore off after an hour, and the boys were ready to go home. 
 The boys trying to figure out football. We don't watch sports with them at home. Maren chose to go to a church dance instead and Annalisa went to Tawny's house.
We had great seats on the concourse, we had a great view. And the Rams won!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Well, I did about 6 months of blogging in a couple of hours. Maybe I can handle this after all!


 A belated pinata for Elena's birthday
 Angelina gets treats
 It's a sad day when you're too old to push and shove for pinata candy. Adam did help Annalisa get some though.
 A nice Mother and Daughter picture
 Pin the tail on the donkey. There were accusations by some that there was peeking. No evidence to support claims though.
 Tally Burdge

City Garden

 Trace and Lincoln
Grant and Peter 
Grant is so good at taking care of his little brothers. I was very impressed.

 Lincoln climbing at the City Garden
 What a Farmer boy! Could he be any cuter?
 Julianna in her cute little bikini
 "Uh, Uncle Trace? Aren't you supposed to be watching Preston and Lincoln?"

 Preston Farmer
 Tally got everyone KFC. They loved it.
Calvin did a good job with those chicken legs.


Peek-a-Boo with Louisa
 Anna at the pool. We were at the pool a lot this summer. 
 Calvin Stewart
 Angelina Burdge
This little girl is so sweet. I really enjoyed watching for a few days this summer while Tally and Eric moved. She is easy to love.
 I think Eliza could be a model.
 Tawny says she gets this face from Aubree now and then. She's given to me a few times as well. It cracks me up.
 Eliza spent time with the little girl cousins. 
 Maren on the swing.
 And off the swing!
 The red kids at the Botanical Gardens
 This roller-type slide was hugely popular.
 Elena before her birthday party. Pretty girl.
 Julianna Burdge at the pool
 Angelina only wanted Trace at the pool. 
 Sophie and Maren at the Zoo
Maren ready for marching band practice 
Julianna is a beautiful child, isn't she?

 Another somewhat coordinated jump
 Planning it out
 Annlisa at the park
 Mitchell at the park
 We never did get all the cousins in one picture. This is pretty good try though. Many children there...
Sometimes we just stopped and stared somewhat in awe of all the children we've got between us. It was overwhelming at times. And that's not even all the grandchildren. Now Trista and Darin have six! They've now got the rest of us beat. 
Preston looks like a bored teenager in this picture. "Seriously? More pictures?"


Mitchell getting wet at the Zoo

Calvin getting wet at the Zoo

These misting fans are a life-saver sometimes. St. Louis is HOT!

We went to the City Garden with Trace and the rest of the family. The water feature was pretty nice!

 They always have to sit on these.
Botanical Gardens again. What a great place.