Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day Part II

The prayers of children all over St. Louis were heard, and school was cancelled again! We took full advantage of it today because the roads were good enough to have cousins come over to play. It was a day of fort building, snowball throwing, sledding, chatting, video gaming, and making and eating soup and rolls. Perfect! A fun day full of good memories.

I know this is an excessive amount of pictures, but since mostly family look at this blog, what the heck? Those of you who do not know and love these children, may not be too interested in this lengthy post... 

Since this may be the last snowfall of the year, I just kept snapping the pictures. 


Mitchell sitting in Adam's snowfort

Aubree helped a little on the fort.


Alec contemplating what to do with that snowball

All those little scratches are from her first crash into the snow. 
It was icy and not soft. Mariah said it was worth it.

Annalisa preferred not to use a sled. It was slower this way.

Happy Children

Love those faces they make!

Still lying in the snow

3, 2, 1, GO!

Whoa, Preston!

Adam kept crashing. The green sleds were tippy.

Preston's face is hilarious.

Tyler getting Lincoln on his way

The hill gets some serious speed.


Even Tyler tried it out.

The kids made a train.

Gathering speed

I love these!

I can't believe the train held together until the bottom of the hill. Impressive guys.

"I wanna go back to the house now."

Big brother giving a ride to tired Anna

Mariah actually got hot and took her jacket off.

Alec and Lincoln smashing their heads into the snow to help them do headstands

Maren joins the fun.

Wipe out!

Even April gave it a try, though Tyler wasn't sure it was a good idea. 
You know, her condition... :) She did fine!

More pretty pictures of my sixteen-year-old

Cousins and friends

This boy takes the cake today! Adorable!

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