Friday, March 1, 2013

Birthday Boys

We had another family gathering last Sunday to celebrate Adam's and Tyler's birthdays. We ate April's yummy stew with biscuits and salad. Cheesecake and chocolate pie were dessert. I officially have two teenagers! Adam is now thirteen years old. And still such a good boy! Love that kid!

Tawny discovered my long-forgotten tomatoes that were left in the garage to ripen. They ripened a bit too much. Trevor, this is what "rotten" looks like. Tawny suggested we let the kids see this experiment gone wrong and have a little lesson about decomposition as part of our Family Home Evening. Good idea, Tawny! They were fascinated.

That's our "Father Lehi" cheesing behind the rotten tomatoes. I thought this picture was so funny.
 (Mariah was getting ready for our FHE.)

Salsa, anyone?
The garden may have to wait patiently for Nonny's return. Our success was minimal.

Trevor and Mariah teach about Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life.
They have been very helpful in our FHE efforts lately, which is a part of the Faith in God requirements. 

She makes a good Lehi we all thought.  That mustache really works. Trace, you might want to try out this look next Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. We didn't realize you had made so many entries on your blog. We had a great time this morning looking at all the postings. I guess I was too sick to even check out the blogs earlier . I loved all the pictures especially the snow sledding pictures. It looked like so much fun for everyone.

    What wonderful memories the three families of cousins are making. I like the final outcome of Annalisa's haircut. Thanks Aubrey. And Maren was beautiful in her winter attire covered with snow.
    I wouldn't go back to Target for pictures if I had 2 groupons. What a nightmare! Brings back memories. The story written about it turned a lemon into lemonade.
    We are so thrilled about Geoff's new job. He has found success in the humble place that he started out in St Louis. Way to go Geoff!!

    Looked like the guy with the brown mustache was completely at home with his silblings, nieces and nephews.

    Keep the stories and pictures coming. We loved them. Mom and Dad
