Sunday, March 24, 2013


Breakfast in bed for the birthday boy, a Barney family tradition

Anna and Louisa 
They love each other.

Trevor and Alec dressed as their favorite book characters for Reading Week. 
Trevor was Harry Potter of course and Alec was Stupendous Man. (from Calvin and Hobbes) Alec reads Trace's old Calvin and Hobbes books every night before going to sleep. Trevor and Mariah have been reading Harry Potter for their book club, and they are now on Book 5. It has been so fun for them to do this together. (with Aunt Tawny)
We LOVE books! 

Trevor's orchestra concert

My little violinist

At the Park 


Louisa was at the hospital with her parents getting a cast for her broken leg. (Poor baby!) We took the Farmer boys to the park with us to enjoy the spring-like weather. 

Mitchell was so busy and independent that day at the park. He didn't look for his mommy even once! Even more surprising, he didn't come over to the bench when we were handing out snacks. This kid loves being outside!

Lincoln, so sad about sister Louisa's broken leg

But not too sad!

Taking a little walk

Louisa's and her broken leg. 
Her pink cast is so cute. Everybody has signed it. The leg sure doesn't slow her down much. She gets around just fine! It looks kind of funny, especially as she limps around corners. We have to try not to laugh at her cuteness because it hurts her feelings. This happened at dinner at few days ago. We couldn't help ourselves. Her little pirate, peg-leg walk was so funny! She turned around to give us the stink-eye, (which she has perfected) while April tried to convince her that we were laughing at something else. She wasn't buying it.

Maren was found interesting ways to pass the time during spring break. This was an attempt as making a marionette. She admits that it wasn't a huge success. She also used wire cutters to snip a bottle cap into a thousand pieces and drew faces on all of our fruit and eggs. I seriously need to give this girl some more chores...

The Magic House!

Fun in the Art Room 

Yay! Tally came and brought the girls! We loved having them here!

They have a nice selection of craft supplies. Kids take whatever they need.

Aubree hard at work

Adam even made some art.

A fight ensued about whose art was better.


with a St. Patrick's Day tatoo.
It took some convincing and patience to persuade her to let us take it off.  At one point she was cornered behind the couch with the cousins and Aunt Tassa moving in with make-up remover and a wash cloth.This was not an effective method. Angelina won that round, even being so outnumbered.
Trista finally managed to get it a day later. Trista also managed to fix all the little girls' hair. She has some sort of magic with the nieces.

Aubree and her backwards pants. Love it.

Yet another painting
I love it that she can do this at the Magic House, because her mom is too old and tired to try this at home.

M for Mariah

Bread Wars

Adam adores Annalisa and visa versa

The ice cream stand was popular with the kiddos.

Important car repairs 

It sure would be nice to have a mechanic in the family someday.

The Weather Room

I'm awake! I'm awake!

A President and a comedian!


Snack time! (complements of Tally- she comes prepared!)

Easter Eggs!

Aubree's wild hair :)

We had quiet and pleasant Sister's Luncheon while Maren and Massiel watched the masses of children. It was so fun to chat and catch up on each other's lives. I wish we could do this more often!

When we came home this is what we found. The kids were gathered around Maren, who was spraying water into their mouths one by one. Strange, but pretty cute.

Check out those curls.


Feeding this crowd is an undertaking.

Everybody pitches in, and it's a lot of fun too. 

 (He looks like he's enjoying the food, doesn't he?)

At dinner we had a fun game of Apples to Apples with the girls.

Family reunions are the best.


Trevor giving Annalisa the coveted giant purple egg

The Lucky Winner! 
(Alec was is in the house crying about not getting the purple egg. Kids!)

Those Easter Eggs went to good use. Thanks Tally!

Trista teaches the kiddos the Train Game. She was very patient with all the silliness.

Wait! I thought this was Spring!

As I write this, it is still snowing. Church was cut short, and so we are at home snug and warm, watching movies and enjoying some family time. (And catching up on the blog!)
I wonder if we will have school tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful children beautiful pictures. The snow looked so inviting. The Magic House did it's magic again. Mom
