Thursday, September 5, 2013

Labor Day Fun Run

Last Monday we participated in a fun ward activity. A Fun Run!
The kids and Geoff ran the mile together. I was stationed as a volunteer to help keep little runners on the right track. I had signed up for the 5K, but after my hip began to get sore (think it's bursitis again) I decided it probably wasn't a good idea. I need to take it easy on my hip. Maren says I sound like an old lady when I say stuff like that. You know, sometimes I feel like an old lady. I just know that I need to listen to what my body tells me or there will be a price to pay. And also I wanted to take pictures of the ward runners...

The shirts say, "WE RUN FOR FUN!" which amused Maren who doesn't run or think it's fun in the slightest.

Adam and Alec came in fast.

Trevor help Annalisa quite a bit, sometimes running with her on his back. People thought that was sweet and told me so. She came into the finish line at full speed though. It was adorable.

Adam and Maren finished first in their age group, which was funny.  They were probably the only kids in their age group! (The only foot race they will probably ever win...) A lot of youth were running the 5K instead of the mile. 

Here's the Davidsons who ran the 5K while pushing all four of their children. I believe they finished third in their age group. They are amazing. 
I teach two of those little cuties piano.Another is in my preschool. :)

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