Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Family Outing

Our family outings have been few these days. Life has been so busy. We worked very hard this year with preschool and piano lessons, Geoff's two jobs, homework, school events, and on and on. It left me exhausted. We didn't take much time to play together. I am determined that this summer will be different. We will have fun together as a family whether they like or not. ;) 

A cool Lego exhibit

 We went to the Children's Garden and spent a surprisingly short amount of time there. We ate our snack and then left. It made me realize that my days in the Children's Garden and other such places are numbered. It was a little sad. But at the same time, it is nice to not have to chase, follow, and keep track of so many little kids. It feels very relaxed.



  Feeding the Koi fish is always the highlight of our trips to the Botanical Gardens. We went through 10 bags of fish food.
My lens cap fell into the water when I leaned over the bridge and a nice man fished it out for me.

Maren had one favorite fish that she was petting (gross) and giving all her fish food to. She tried to shoo away the other fish so he would get it all. He wasn't the brightest of the fish and he needed all the help he could get. That's why she liked him of course. 


This duck was standing in a ray of sunlight on the rock. It seemed to be posing for the picture.

Maren's favorite part of the Garden- the succulents


Alec had been complaining how hot he was and how much he wanted to go home. Then he saw this fountain and all of a sudden, life was good again. Everyone watched as Alec performed his antics.

At this point, Geoff decided that the show was over. Time to move on.

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