Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memorial Day Breakfast and BBQ

My silly girls at the Memorial Day ward breakfast

Best buddy Kristen
Trevor led the flag ceremony and was completely terrified by this responsibility. I wasn't sure he would go through with it. (no pics, too busy praying for Trevor) But somehow, amazingly, he got the tears and emotion under control just in time. He may not have been quite loud enough, but other than that it was all good. Ward members and his scouting friends came over to tell him he did a good job. Everyone was so supportive of course. I love that. I hope it helps to give Trevor more confidence for the next time.

Geoff barbecued our favorite BBQ chicken. It was perfect, as usual.
We had some biscuits, fruit, chips, homemade mac and cheese, and salad to go with it. YUM!
For dessert, summer berry crisp warm from the oven, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

Aubree's dinner choices- very colorful

Maren adores little Max and is always snatching him away from us.

The girls made some clover chains with roses.

Mitchell doesn't look too happy to be wearing his, but he didn't take it off.


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