Friday, January 17, 2014

Pretty Annalisa in Window Lighting

 I've had some fun playing with my new camera. Linda always liked using natural window lighting. I thought I would try it out since Annalisa was feeling cooperative. I love it when I can get nice pictures indoors. It doesn't always happen for me. But next time I will try doing this with a tripod.

I am getting so excited about baby Kesner who will soon be here! We will do some window pictures with him for sure. It will be so sweet to have another baby in the family. I love babies.

I can't believe my baby is five...


 The Christmas cactus is so pretty right now, in a wilted sort of way. 
Anna insisted I take a picture of Calli.
This dog is so loved. 
When Alec comes home from school, the first thing he does is drop everything, lay down, and let the dog lick him all over his face. It is adorable and disgusting at the same time.

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