Thursday, May 9, 2013

Birthday, Braces, and Butterflies

Trevor turned 11 the day I returned from Mongolia.
This kid is so great! I can't imagine life without my sweet Trevor Barney.

Geoff took the lead with this birthday since I was unavailable. He took the day off work, made his usual delicious birthday breakfast-in-bed, bought and wrapped presents, decorated with Annalisa, got an ice cream cake, and sent the birthday boy to a movie with Maren while he went to his class. (to deliver a presentation. Wow.)  He had everything ready to go for Trevor's party the moment I walked in the door. I was very proud of him! 

There's Trevor in braces.
We are trying to make a space for a permanent tooth that has no where to come up. Trevor is getting used to his new diet which lacks carmels, hard candies, taffies, popcorn, corn chips, apples, carrots, and lots of other things he loves to eat. It's not too fun. But he is still happy about getting braces. He said he got swarmed my kids at school when he came back with braces. He loved the attention. And someday he will have an even more wonderful smile with lovely straight teeth. 

Trevor performs with his school orchestra.

He played with gusto- nice long bows. I could pick out the sound of his violin and it was good! His teacher said he has made great progress this year. I can't take any credit for that. My focus has been piano this year. I have only helped Trevor a little on the violin. Maybe I can do more with that when my mom gets home from Mongolia and takes over the piano teaching. (miss you Mom) 

So proud of my violinist!
The pressure was on from his siblings, especially Maren, to switch to band next year, but Trevor wants to stick with the violin. 

 At the Butterfly House
 The butterflies were everywhere. See the big blue ones in this picture? (my personal favorite) I even had one land on my camera while I was trying to take its picture. 

Trying to get Mitchell to hold still for a picture

He was a little distracted.

And the lens kept fogging up. Too humid!

Aubree being cute

Anna being cute

Mitchell being cute

 Mitchell loves water and was trying to get into this little pond. Mitchell does what he wants to do and rarely looks over his shoulder to see where the adults are. Tawny has to be so vigilant with this adventurous guy. And she is.


  1. Tell Trevor I think he should stick with the violin. Violin solos are so beautiful...much more beautiful than anything in the band can offer.

  2. Good job Trevor! We are proud of the progress you have made this year. Keep up the hard work and you and your Mom can play a duet.

    We have never been to the butterfly house. It will be a must when we get back. Cute grand kids being cute.
