Sunday, May 26, 2013

Little Buddies

Lincoln and Alec are super friends. They never fight and they play together so creatively. They go all over the house in various costumes and superhero roles. They hunt rocks and bugs together. They plants random seeds and carry around sticks. They make up crazy stories and draw funny pictures.

Lincoln agrees with nearly everything Alec says, which doesn't ever happen for Alec, so he appreciates that. I have loved seeing this special relationship develop between the cousins. Alec will greatly miss Lincoln when the Farmers leave for Japan. 
So will I.

This is what Tawny sees all day long. 

Posing with Nonny's roses

On a roly poly hunt

Annalisa was afraid of the roly polies of course.

Mitchell found one. He was being so careful.

Adam and Annalisa also have a special friendship. He is a great brother to her. Maybe I've already written about this. I can't remember. Adam lets Anna sleep next to him at night. This is not easy. She likes to wiggle and kick and Adam has a twin-sized bed. But he puts up with it. He brushes her teeth and puts on her bedtime diaper. She knows who to go to if she needs an orange peeled or a drink of water. He also plays games and reads books with her. He saves his candy to share with her. She lets him know when another brother has offended her and needs punishing. (mostly Alec)

I am very lucky to have such a great helper and friend to Annalisa, who can be a very demanding little princess at times. It makes me smiles to see how much she adores her big brother.

It was a perfect day for relaxing on the hammock. 
Adam has joined the teen summer reading club at the library and has already read 6 books. He'll be done in no time.
He loves to read.

Oh yeah, Maren got her driver's license last Friday. 

She is so so so happy. I worry about this development, and I make her text me when she arrives places. It will be nice though once I relax a bit. She went to Schnucks for me and went to Iron Man 3 with Adam. I sent her to Home Depot for a few boxes, and today she drove herself to a Laurel presidency meeting in Chesterfield. (a GPS helps) Every other sentence from her mouth is "I love driving." (meaning- driving without her parents)

There she goes! 

My baby girl is growing up. *sniff*

1 comment:

  1. This can't be happening. Maren should NOT be allowed to get any older than she already is.
