Sunday, May 26, 2013

Missouri Botanical Gardens

Maren and a cool succulent garden
She loves these things. I wish I were better at growing them. Mine are all sickly.

This is one of my favorite places in the world. I love the Botanical Gardens. I wish I could spend time there every day!

 Feeding the koi fish, a favorite family activity
We spend about an hour with the fish (and $10 for fish food) every time we go. 

The feeding frenzy

Actually I'm not a big fan of the Koi fish. This kind of grosses me out.
Happier to be taking pictures...

The Japanese Gardens

My kids actually sat down together on the same bench. Very unusual.

Blueberries! We thought of Grandpa and Oregon.

Notice the thumb jabbing into Adam's palm. Alec is less than thrilled to be sharing a sheep.

I forgot to brush her hair, and she still looks adorable.

Most of Alec's pictures involve a clenched fist, even when he's alone.

 Aawwww, sisters.

               Adam's looking for trouble.

We can't leave the Botanical Gardens without getting all wet.

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